Solar Power Stations Distributed by AHD.
In terms of access to electricity, like any other rural district in Pakistan, both Badin and Thatta are predominantly dependent on kerosene oil as a major source of lighting. The present statistics of the Pakistani WAPDA (Water and Power Development Authority) revealed that more than 48% of households in these areas are off-grid, while barely 52% of the housing units are provided with electricity. Due to the lack of electricity, there is no industry in the region. Most of the villages sink in the darkness upon the sunset, while many people use “chimney lamps”—hand”-held lanterns using kerosene as fuel.
The majority of the local population consists of landless agro-laborers, marginal farmers, small-scale croppers, and fishermen. Unemployment rates are very high, and socio-economic, environmental, health, and educational activities are unsatisfactory for achieving any development goal. In addition to that, due to its proximity to the coast, the region frequently experiences natural disasters (such as typhoons, extreme rainfall, landslides, etc.), affecting the lives and livelihoods of people living in the area. These conditions cause extreme poverty, hunger, and malnutrition problems among men, women, and children.
Many people live without access to electricity, which negatively affects many areas of their lives. The proposed project assumes the provision of small-scale off-grid solar electricity systems to low-income households by replacing the existing kerosene lanterns. It will provide better illumination and a smoke-free environment, as well as enhance the productivity of the working environment. It will facilitate the education of children, reduce households’ expenditure on kerosene, and generally improve family lifestyles. Electrification by solar energy is a valuable technology to meet the electrical energy needs of people living in remote areas. Therefore, it should be widely promoted and encouraged.
Association for Humanitarian Development (AHD) has strong believed on participatory approaches of development and takes collective initiatives for improving the lifestyle of marginalized communities of Sindh, Pakistan.
This project, “SOLAR POWER FOR RURAL COMMUNITIES IN PAKISTAN, “collaborated with Polish aid, covered 200 direct beneficiaries and 2000 indirect beneficiaries, and improved the quality of life of marginalized communities in districts Tando Muhammad Khan and Sujawal, Sindh, Pakistan, with the provision of solar light technology at village level. After the community got solar lights, their lives became easier than before, as we can see in the following video: