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Food Security & Livelihood

AHD has been supporting rural communities in Pakistan for food security and livelihood through kitchen gardening, capacity building and enterprise development through financial aid of different funding agencies.  The organization has completed 4 food security and livelihood projects in different districts of Sindh Pakistan with support of ADP – USA, German Consulate, Help Alliance Germany, and PARC Pakistan.  AHD has reached 1860 households for food security and livelihoods through these projects. The organization has focused poor women, widows, orphans and disables people to provide them viable option for food and livelihood.  The project beneficiaries now have available options for livelihood through kitchen gardening, sewing, and handicrafts. They are growing vegetables, and they have setup their shops in the villages/markets. Some of the beneficiaries are earning enough income to meet their household expenses. AHD has enhanced their income generation learning through capacity building training on kitchen gardening, and entrepreneurship to keep them economically empowered and sustainable.