Preventive Healthcare
At the outset of its work, AHD had planned to work for the healthcare in the communities, and initiated three projects on healthcare by rehabilitation of rural health centers, organizing medical camps, and provision of emergency medical care to the patients in district Badin in Pakistan. These projects were supported by SLF Netherlands and the Help Alliance. Over the time, organization learnt that, providing healthcare service doesn’t solve health problems, unless people are provided with prevention strategies and tools to keep themselves safe from diseases.
The organization modified its focus to preventive healthcare, and started awareness and capacity building of people on prevention from disease. Along with this, the organization has provided rural communities the solution for safe drinking water, access to fresh vegetables through organic kitchen gardening and fuel-efficient cooking stoves (FECS) to avoid hazardous smoke during cooking. Over the time AHD has trained communities to build FECS and around 250000 fuel efficient stoves are constructed in a result in Sindh, Pakistan. These interventions kept communities safe from water borne disease, lungs diseases, allergies, eye infections and catered malnutrition problems in communities. Over the time organization has completed 22 projects on safe drinking water with multiple funding agencies, 02 projects on FECS, and 02 projects on organic kitchen gardening with support of ADP -USA in different districts of Pakistan.